Who Can Benefit From Applying Nutri-Hygienics?
Here Are A Few Good Examples
Weight Loss Hygienically:
Nutri-Hygienics can provide an optimum nutritional plan specifically
tailored for you and the genuine foods you enjoy. Proper food combing
principles using the ACID/ALKALINE PH method, plus Hygienic Principles,
will ensure the quickest, safest, most natural way for digestive efficiency,
plus it increases your nerve energy, while you lose weight at an alarming
rate without starving yourself.
Superior Increased Body Strength! |
Superior Increased Body Endurance! |
Nuttri-Hygienics will increase body strength and energy beyond your current
strength. Your endurance will increase beyond what you now consider normal.
The tone of your muscle tissue will be healthier, giving rise to better
symmetry, faster tissue and muscle regeneration, and a reduced likelihood
of tissue and nerve damage resulting from overextending yourself. Nevertheless,
this is not a green light to abuse your body. Your body has limits, so
respect and listen to your body language when it speaks to you. Hygienics
is merely expanding those limits within natural bounds.
Digestive Disorder:
“You are not what you eat but what you digest and assimilate.”
What you don’t digest will cause you big problems and many health
disorders. Applying hygienics to your diet will ensure good digestion
for optimum health. “Love your body, for your body will love you.”
-Jo Willard
Arthritic Disorder:
Nutri-Hygienics will rid the joints and muscles of unwanted deposits
called uric crystals, which are the major cause of your pain, providing
permanent damage has not set in. Even in severe cases, the amount of
pain one is experiencing will lessen.
Heart Problems:
Nutri-Hygienics can eliminate and melt the cholesterol PLAQUE build-up
in the arteries, which leads to a narrowing of passages and blockages
that, at times, causes high blood pressure and heart attacks. Also,
hygienics will strengthen tissue and muscle around the heart after an
Eye Disorders:
Nutri-Hygienics, in some cases, can correct the need for corrective
lenses and definitely improves whatever eye sight you already possess.
An increase in color brightness will also be noticed, along with a healthier
Skin Disorder:
Nutri-Hygienics, in many cases, can correct many forms of skin disorders
by eliminating internal toxicosis (a toxic blood and tissue condition).
Nutri-Hygienics will clear this up and allow a person to radiate natural
skin beauty from the inside out.
Bronchial Disorders:
Nutri-Hygienics can bring relief to those with severe breathing problems,
eliminating the cause usually resulting from the type of foods consumed
or from the environment causing problems, or both.
General Health Disorders:
Nutri-Hygienics can improve many health disorders by applying hygienic
principles. This allows the human organism to reinvent itself and regain
its natural birthright, which is natural health. We must allow the organism,
and its natural healing abilities, to perform its magical dance with
life. Remember that toxic blood conditions give rise to many diseases.
Clean blood gives rise to optimum health. The life and health is in
the blood. That’s the secret.