What are The Benefits of Nutri-Hygienics?
The practice of Nutri-Hygienics increases the quality
of health to its optimum potential, increasing nerve energy. What is
nerve energy? Nerve energy is functional power. The nerve is the grand
conductor of motive, power, and sensory impulses. The energy of nerves
is the life of tissues, organs, muscles, circulation of blood, and many
other functional purposes. Nerves are continuous with its energy. The
bodily parts are mechanical, and must await orders for action from the
brain through the nervous system, packed as it is with impulses to action
that are conveyed to all parts of the body. Without the nervous system
the body could not for a moment preserve the unity and coherence which
constitutes the ideal of physical perfection. Nerves control every part
of our body, such as powerful muscular actions, emotions, digestion,
circulation of the blood and many other functions of our organism.
Any habit may increase or decrease nerve energy. The secret to increasing
nerve energy is simply to possess the hygienic knowledge to do so, and
to learn how to avoid nerve depleting habits that enervate (poison)
the body through a blood condition known as “toxicosis,”
which 99% of the world’s population harbor.